Dream of Animus Talking the Guile of a Hyena. Acryl auf Leidwand. 50 x 70 cm. 2012
1992 in Jakarta, Indonesien geboren und aufgewachsen.
Aus Somnambulismus nach Deutschland gekommen.

"1 of 100 Virtues of the Moon". Video. 2013.

in the moonlight,
everything will be different
as i entered the darkness
and before me night turned to life.
the blanket of the lake would luster
and make pearls every here and there,
blinking starlike it created itself
a whole spread of starry night

sometimes disappeared,
but always tinkled once more.
in the moonlight, everything is different
night comes to life, the water sparkles
and people give way to the poetry of melancholia

my walking long the lake-border
with the reflection of the waxing moon
was only to put a deeper conscience within me
that the world i `ve longed for
was only a thin golden thread away.

i wished i was a nymph.
so my beauty should join that of the lake.
but before i shared the idea with my yearning too far
i saw a silent, glorious white figure
reposing very still on the water

my lone swan,

or perhaps the nymph itself
that took a guise before humans.

between me,
the earth,
and moon,


i`ve been eating her soul

or she mine.


"The Augury is Annulled". Video. 2013.

The first experiment standing hand-in-hand with the notion of dyngja
a room separated from the main pit houses during viking time
where the women did their daily textile works.
in the mythology it served also as a mystical place
where major decisions concerning fate and future
were predicted by the women in works
unintentionally and intentionally.

a hexagram is a perfect union of every opposite two
here movement and sound contradict one another
the sense of Present, the Being Here and Now, is made perceptible
the ritual of the re-making is to keep Present between the palms
inside the light between fingers
imitating Penelope `s unweaving the shrouds for Odyssey
it became an endeavor to undo time, to defer future.

"In Her Dyngja". Video. 2013.

spinning a yarn out of her collected hair strands
the hair is the microcosm of the possessor`s psyche
all three dimensions together
so the yarn too, at one point is the artist herself
its physical outcome resemblances the rivers on our palms
those are the lines that tell about one`s past, present
and the two`s consequence in later time
in her dyngja, a prophecy for the artist herself was made